

Oct 6, 2024

From Corporate Executive to Master Coach: A Transformative Journey

When I established my executive coaching business in 2014, I transitioned from leading in high-pressure U.S. led global corporate organisations and private equity to a UK boutique firm before I leapt into being a founder and coach in my consultancy.  This journey was a paradigm shift from selling a corporation to selling myself, from being an executive leader to supporting leaders, and from making decisions to enabling decision-making in others.

Combining my corporate leadership experience with the demands of being a founder running my independent consultancy has given me a unique perspective on leadership, leading my business and partnering with clients leading theirs.

Walking in My Client’s Shoes

I’ve sat on that side of the boardroom table.  I’ve experienced first hand the challenges that C-suite executives face. The pressures are immense, balancing the demands of shareholders, leading large teams, and making decisions that can impact thousands of employees and customers worldwide. This experience is invaluable in my coaching practice because it allows me to connect with my clients more deeply. I understand that world because I’ve lived it. And I loved it.

Corporate life often involves complex and complicated organisational structures, managing diverse teams across different geographies and making decisions with far-reaching and often unintended consequences. These challenges require a strategic mindset, the ability to switch gears in an instant, both mental and physical resilience, and the ability to lead, inspire and motivate others.

When I made the leap to running my consultancy, I had to apply these same principles on a different scale. The stakes were just as high, but the context was different. I was now responsible for every aspect of the business—from strategy and operations to client acquisition and service delivery.

This shift in perspective has deeply enriched my practice. I can empathise with my clients as they navigate their leadership journeys, and I can offer practical insight rooted in real-world experience. Whether it’s supporting a CEO who is faced with developing a new strategic vision at pace given the changing global and geo-political context or working with a CFO through a complex decision-making and influencing process, the combination of my corporate background and coaching expertise allows me to ask better questions that can provide insights that are both relevant and actionable.

Adapting to New Challenges: The Journey from Corporate to Consultancy

Transitioning from a global corporate environment to running a bespoke coaching and leadership consultancy was not without its challenges. No IT helpdesk, no EA to magic up the diary and the travel arrangements, no expert CMO or CTO and no access to the analysts and their ability to provide data insights and trends to drive my decision-making.  My yearning for the type of support that was a given in my corporate world remains. 

But as time has gone by, I’ve both surprised and delighted myself with my agility and ability to wear many hats, from visionary to planner with everything else in between.  My transition from a billion-dollar global corporation to a UK-based boutique firm and then my consultancy has given me a unique perspective and a clear understanding of the challenges leaders face when adapting to new environments and very different contexts.

In the early days of my business, I had to quickly learn how to manage the operational aspects of running a consultancy while maintaining the high standards of service that I and my clients expect.

Along the journey, I’ve learned to pivot quickly in response to changing circumstances, have absolute clarity on the need to invest in my personal development and scan the global horizons keeping up with the continually changing political, economic, technological and environmental demands that are facing executive and C-suite leaders as our expectations of their role go beyond business and talking the talk into being visible and vocal on societal issues.

Relationships: The Cornerstone of Success

At the heart of my coaching practice is a deep commitment to building, nurturing and leveraging relationships. In the corporate world, success often depends on building strong, collaborative relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. This is equally true in the world of executive coaching, where trust and connection are essential to achieving meaningful results both with the organisation as a collective and the individual coaching clients.

When I first started my business, I was fortunate to be supported by the connections and deep relationships I had built during my corporate career. These relationships were invaluable and were the bedrock of my new business.  Fundamentally I’d always known but never really tested it out, until that first year, that people buy from people and that business is also personal.  Relationships don’t change significantly depending on the setting.  I’ve continued to build on this, cultivating new relationships and expanding my network from a gathering of corporate ‘sameness’ to a more diverse mix of unlike-minded people offering rich and different experiences.

One of the key principles that guide me is my absolute belief that relationships are not just about business—they are about connection and being human. Coaching is a very personal relationship, and the coach you choose is someone you will get up close and personal with.  From the coach’s perspective, it’s all about the client; it’s about their needs, challenges, and goals, and my role is to work closely with executive and c-suite leaders to push their thinking, broaden their perspectives and create solutions that address their unique circumstances.

Supporting Leaders in Career-Defining Moments

I’m clear on my role in the relationship and why I’m in the room.  They’re the expert in them, and I couldn’t possibly know more about their situation and their business than they do.  My role is to support clients to be at their best in their leadership and in those career-defining moments, whether it’s leading in a crisis, navigating a complex and fast-moving business challenge, resolving difficult people issues or achieving a level of confidence and self-belief that enables them to gain clarity on how they achieve a better balance between work and at home.

In my experience, the most successful leaders understand the importance of relationships and the criticality of the whole ecosystem of relationships with clients, strategic partners, the whole supply chain, their people, and yours. They know that in this time of huge collective and individual change, success is no longer just about achieving individual goals but about working collaboratively and cohesively to tackle difficult and demanding challenges impacting the business as a whole. I support my clients in developing the skills and mindset needed to build strong, effective two-way relationships, both within their organisations and beyond.

A Journey of Growth, Leadership, and Client Success

Reflecting on my journey from global corporate leader to founder, coach and consultant, I know I will always work on the fine balance of growth, leadership, and client success. My experience and expertise in the corporate world and as an independent business owner have given me a unique perspective on the challenges that leaders face.  And I know now that I’m at my best working on the outside, offering a challenge and different perspective that’s impossible from the inside.

The challenges faced by C-suite executives and their teams are more complex than ever. But with the right mindset, the right people and the right support to challenge them, boost them and inspire them to greater heights, these challenges can be navigated successfully. My goal as a Master Coach is to partner with leaders to find balance, enabling them to achieve their business priorities while maintaining a real sense of personal fulfilment and finding the joy that makes the journey even more of a privilege, for my clients and for me.

I’ve benefited from both working for and coaching some incredible leaders. 

And by standing on the shoulders of these giants, I know what’s been before, and I’m focused on how much more impactful coaching can be, going forward.